Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Stepping into another name

I've created music for several years as "kaioni".
The name came to me in a dream, in 2009, when I couldn't decide a name for the music. It was - in the dream - the name of an ancient sunken city.
I learned later that this is a Hawaiian name, & I will not be some idiot "acculturator" that just takes a name from other cultures (not to mention, the history of Hawaii & it's "acquisition"..).
I could write a big post about privilege & appropriation, but I'm just leaving it at that. For now.

I will be making music under my birthname : Jerome . This is who I am. While the music is more important than the name, it is really a part of what I'm here to do - my mission & my heart & who I really am, rather than what or who I think I am.
Please bear with me as I go through & change all "social media", websites, & finally music online (amazon, itunes, spotify, etc)
I'm not as much of an online person as you might think. I'd rather run around in the forest all day. I make music because I have to - it is who I am. & I'm not someone to TRY rather than DO, even if two people hear it. It is for those two people, to be uplifted by. I'm not here to get followers or what-have-you. But I am online to connect with people, to have those ways to reach me & share etc. To explore this bio eco zoic sound coming through me.
& there is so very much going on in the world

I am here to be what I'm supposed to be here for. Mission. Vision. Love.
New music pouring out of me but I'd rather not talk about it. You get it.

I'm leaving for Maine for a bit, to jaunt through the trees. Next week things will be completely transformed.

All my best to you!! Heal. Love.

What has been changed so far:

Saturday, January 31, 2015


So much is going on in the world, always!
What have you been up to? What new things have you learned? What things have you gained a new perspective from? What are you letting go & what are you letting grow?

Here is my creative world at the moment:

-Healing  - I was the guest mediator for Wind Down Wednesdays' January video! You can watch it here. (or at the bottom of this post).  This is a project by the SOUL Sisters Leadership, a facet of their inspiring mission & passion. Thank you so much. I am honored to have been a part.

-Essential Oil  - I have placed one of my favorite oils to make on Etsy. "Blue Amber" is a rich mysterious amber - made with amber resin that I grind up. Mostly organic (but the one ingredient that isn't labelled organic - the amber resin - is Pure, per Soma Luna). 100% pure. Therapeutic-grade.  Click here to check it out!

-Writing  - My first book, "Mythopoeia", is online here. It is a collection of poetry & song lyrics, told through themes such as "Joy" or "Crossroads". It is exclusive to Kindle through July

-Sewing  - I've been making a few caftans. I always prefer the simple flow when it comes to sewing. I made a few gift dresses/shirts, & now just really loving being in touch with making something someone can wear.

-Music  - I feel that I am still in the world of my latest album, "Hadopelagia". The next project is definitely already in my hands, but Hadopelagia is still in my heart. I wrote up a performance for this album & am excited to share it. In regards to recording music, I am still committed to sharing Zazie with the rest of the world that doesn't know her music.

-TRAVEL  - I am planning a trip to Hawaii & Asia this year. Maybe even Europe from Asia - we will see. It feels so good to be a global citizen. I'm remaining free & open & happy to explore with my partner at my side.

-Listening  - I have been listening to my biggest inspirations lately: From vocal (Brandy, Kylie, Aaliyah), to musical (The Beatles, Karunesh, Jai Uttal, Omar Tekbilek, etc.), to both (India Arie, Zazie, Loreena McKennitt, Stevie Wonder, Nina Simone, Imogen Heap, Bjork). There are some legends in here!!

&&& I want to move out of ME land. It is time to help others. to create something real, or help it come about, that truly helps others. Getting my hands dirty. Be it on a farm in Hawaii, or a community in Panama or Africa or wherever I am needed. To listen learn & share LOVE & joy, constructive!!

Love & so much gratitude!!!