Friday, July 11, 2014


I have alot in the works.
I suppose, as someone who creates (& most of you would understand this from your own lives) that I have no off switch with "my work". I'm constantly making something - if it's not writing songs & making music, it's addressing some aspect of that (e-mailing musicians, performing, etc.). If it's not pertaining to that, it's in another sphere: sewing/clothing, drawing, writing stories, dancing, etc.
As someone who tends to do rather than promote (or at least, when I promote/talk about what I want to do, it comes in big bursts!), I felt the need to share something, spill my guts on all I'm doing.

I am very proud of "Hadopelagia". With this project, I largely abandoned my earlier desire to make something catchy & decided to simply explore (& bare) my soul. It was minimalistic & it was the most fun to make.

The current project I am working on is still in its infancy. I am finally going to be doing what I wanted to & knew I would be eventually: creating a "folky" emotive global fusion acoustic "analog" project. No vocal tricks. Real. More live. More flowing. Less calculation required. Less buttons pushed & more strings plucked. More musicians involved (a band!!). Instrument lessons.
I call this a "project" rather than an album, because I never know how many tracks it will be. I might decide to do something small - 8 tracks. I've been looking at my catalog of songs, & deciding which to remake into these acoustic folk renditions. ("Thought Control" is a start) This would then be 
I've been listening to Mercedes Sosa, Inkuyo, Loreena McKennitt, & Pachakuti more than ever before. Zazie's acoustic stuff as well. I have other inspirations that have touched me here & there (don't we all?) in various ways (Queen, Stevie Wonder, India Arie, Brandy, Aaliyah) but aren't as complete guides as the aforementioned.
I'm in love with music, with singing, with making music. 
When you listen to "Get Brave!" (2011), you hear my fears.
When you listen to "eco-Lectronica" (2012), you hear my ideals.
When you listen to "Hadopelagia" (2013), you hear my spirit.
This current project (2015, likely) contains my passion, my love, my voice. A culmination of all of them. When you listen to it (I hope that) you feel my SOUL & are touched more than any of the other music.
I have been putting videos online of my performances & will add a variety of other things.
Among them, discussing each album, discussing the music & influences I grew up with, & where I am at this moment, vocally, musically, creatively.
This is the project I will make both a Spanish & French version of. 
I'm very excited!!
The inspiration for music videos (for "Spectrum" & "Wake The Dead") definitely is there for 2014. 
I've performed some electronic sets at a few clubs here in NY lately. Even though it is the sound I am not utilizing with my current project, it is still a fun change of pace. I look forward to the day that I am with a band on stage!! Even if that band is just an upright bassist, a flute player & a tabla player. (tablist?) (or whatever other combination. I want to have fun with it & I get bored with "keys, two guitars, bass, drums"). 

I suppose that's all for now. It just feels good to get it out, to write it down, to share it, even if it's just with myself.

all the best 

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